Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

Self portrait

Awful night - Henry woke at 1.30 and it took 2 hours to get him back to sleep, then was up for the day at 6. Neil still isn't well, I'm very tired and Henry is teething - he seems to be getting all 4 canines at once, his gums look really sore and he's dribbling like mad. Here's hoping for a better night.

We had a nice dinner though - roast pork in a garlic, rosemary and honey marinade. Even Henry had some! Gü melting middle puddings with a blob of salted caramel and clotted cream icecream too - yum.

Henry took today's blip on my iPhone - he's not usually allowed to play with it but I was trying to finish my pudding and it was a toss up between the iPhone or Henry pinching the last bit of my icecream!

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