Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

Swimming with the dolphins

New picture Sarah. Went for a walk today and spotted this dolphin mosaic on a house wall and it reminded me of our forthcoming cruise to the Carribbean and Panama Canal in 2010, one of the excursions is swimming with the dolphins and thats what I hope to do.

Thanks Sarah for the prompt that made me get my backside in gear and down load the skiing photos. We had a fantastic time in Granada, skiing was the best since we had been to the USA in 2000. The resort was fully open, very busy but the lift queues were minimal as the resort is extensive and the lift system can cope with thousands of people an hour. I think the most we had to queue was about 10 mins. We skied for 4 days from about 10.30 until 3.30ish with a couple of stops for hot wine, you ski better after a couple of those. Sarah, JR said he hopes to see you and James this year (and Corin) so get some lessons booked at the snow dome. We had a bit of a bonus, because Roy is 70 he didn't have to pay for his lift pass, over 70's in Spain don't have to pay to enter quite a few establishments and the ski pass is valid for a year. Age does have some advantages.

On Christmas day evening we had a 7 course dinner in the hotel including wine with all the courses and ended up with cava and cake. The hotel provides entertainment and this year it was the students from Granada University, they dress in 16th century clothes and play instruments of that period, they were very good. On Boxing day we went into Granada city and had a wander round, had tapas and a couple of vinos. Spotted the eagle which is atop one of the buildings which is the headquarters of a spanish bank. Architecture is wonderful and they don't stop you taking pictures even in the Cathedral.

Arrived home on 27th December and flew to the UK on 29th to spend New Year with my mum. Went to my brothers for New Years eve, spent a lovely evening with Sarah, James, Corin and the rest of the family, had too much to eat and drink but no hangover the next day. Ended up sleeping on the sofa as the blow up mattress Roy and I had, every time he rolled over I felt as though I was on a water bed and ended up feeling quite queasy, stange sensation.

Flew back to Spain on 5th Jan, the sunset shot is John Lennon airport.
6th January here is a national holiday, the 3 Kings. This is when the spanish children get their main presents. The kings parade through the streets on 5th Jan and that night when the children go to bed the presents are delivered so that when they wake up the next day hopefully their wishes have been granted. Roy should have gone into hospital on Thursday for another stent op but just as we were leaving the hospital phoned to say not to go as they had several emergencies and the operating theatres were all in use, so he goes in on Tuesday, hopefully all will be okay.

More ski photos
Xmas skiing

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