Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Day 5

of made up holiday.

Panic as I suddenly thought that I didnt know if the hospital would have parking and how much it would be as I didnt have any change.

A bit of google latter - car park check and get this free - yep free hospital car parking.

Appointment was on time and lady doing the test was lovely - I had a visual fields test - she saw my back was bad and moved the chair so I had plenty of room to get myself into it and then moved the machine to me, raised the height and basically made sure that I was extra comfortable (its the same test that you would have at the optician only at the hospital its much longer). Next step is to see the opthamologist again I am being tested for intraocular hypertension or early signs of glaucoma or my preferred option it was all just a blip and there is nothing wrong after all. I hate the next steps involves drops (eeek) and things actually being shoved on my eyes (shudders).

Came home and had an urge to knit, so I am making a blanket for Mr Mouse it may or may not be finished in time for Christmas.

If we had have been away we would have been packing up the tent and making the long drive home

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