
I went for a long walk in the park and caught up with my brother on the phone.

Lots of paperwork, mending, naming uniform...

Max went to the dentist and the way back the car stopped working, it is not worth repairing so we don't have a car any more, I just can't even muster the energy to be bothered about it, what good would it do anyway?  The car has always bled us dry, we have had it for a long time and overall it has been good I suppose.... not sure when we will get another one at the moment.

I am the Executor of my Mum's will, lots to do and something to do every day, apart from going to Ibiza I don't feel I have had a break from her death at all really and even when I was there I felt sad quite a bit so I suppose I would feel the same even if I wasn't dealing with all her affairs every day as well.... who knows.... I will be glad when all this is over and I can think about my work again, the last 2 years my work really has had to take a back seat, I've been too busy and sad to really think about my career. I miss being creative but I just don't have the energy for it at present.

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