Carol's ramblings

By Lucari


A late night last night, my sister had been feeling unwell in the evening, had called 111 and after a while they called back and said they were calling 999. She rang me, I popped over and we waited for the ambulance (they were having a busy Friday night). All necessary checks done, 3 ECG readings and the decision of no hospital admission which my sister was relieved by. By the time I got home and into bed it was 2am (definitely no chance of a sunrise photo).

Spent the day starting to tidy the house (tall order). During this process I came across a painting of a sunset (not very good one) they I had attempted about 10 years ago:)

Another tidy day tomorrow. :)

Quick FaceTime with our daughter/son-in-law/grandson this morning, things are falling into place with my son-in-law leaving the army and they will all hopefully be moving in with us the end of next month - happy times :)


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