Perfect Evening

More than half of the group was the same group that visited Amsterdam last May.  We were happy to see each other again.  I was particularly looking forward to this evening because I had the idea it would confirm the friendships we have so recently renewed, although I've slightly modified my definition of 'friendship'.  Hardly anyone hangs around a relationship.  I've also had to teach myself to not consider friends as family, as well as not to rely on family as something that's 'there' or that 'stays' because, frankly, they aren't and they don't.  (If they do, then they're more friends than family, which makes it even more mind-boggling for stupid me.)

Enough blah-blah.  It was a blast of an evening, to say the least.  I won't tell you who used to bully me when I was younger and who followed her lead, but we're on terribly good footing now.  The food was 5-star, to say the least.  Someone had bought a hookah in Dubai when she was on seminar there, and hubby helped out with putting it in operation.  The talk swung from current events to classical art to travel (two are leaving tomorrow for Israel).  What amazed me the most was that most of us still looked the way we did when we were younger, with only a couple more fine lines.  Actually, the only one who has visibly changed is myself, owing to my long hair.  I looked around the table and saw the old girls in uniform all those years ago.  Now, one's a pediatric surgeon, another an engineer, another a fashion design agent.  There was a latecomer and she's not in the shot; she's the assistant director of the Philippine National Museum and so we got updates as well on architectural trends and archaeological finds.  Three are not of our batch but have become good friends (and why not).

The get-together was also an LGBT meet and I'm pleased they feel comfortable enough with me to have sent me an invite, with hubby.  As for me, I enjoyed it thoroughly.

Today, I must also say that we UBERed the whole day and it is so much better than riding a cab -- no unnecessary detours, no unnecessary tipping.  First we had to go to the travel agency that normally books my Philippine domestic flights and I met the agent I usually only meet via Western Union money exchange.  We were both glad to see each other again live and had a good laugh.  That trip took some 2.25 hours due to Friday traffic.  After that it was straight to the apartment for the lovely dinner, and then very very late back to our own apartment, where we were still glowing from the general enjoyment.  These are the reunions I cherish.  I don't want to overdo, I don't want to get tired of them.  They make my trips back here worthwhile.

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