Back across the bridge

It's been a great weekend. Although Roz wasn't feeling great on Friday we caught up with some old friends.

Yesterday we got a trip into Heriots for a look then a great night out at Ambideckstrous at Elbow where they even allowed me to play some records for half an hour or so. Hopefully I might be getting the chance to go back and play some for a bit longer at some point.

Then today we finished it all off with another good day. It didn't start so well as the football got a bit frustrating before a late Aberdeen come back, but then we headed over to Dunfermline to see Dredd. It might not be everyone's cup of tea, but as a childhood 2000AD fan I thought it was great. Far better than the Sylvester Stallone attempt which, him removing his helmet aside, I didn't mind too much if I'm honest. The new one is probably truer to the comic though, it was more violent and Dredd was pretty much monosyllabic which to me is definitely truer to the comic strip at it's best.

The sun was pretty low on the way back and the light looked great, so that was a blip sorted without too much thought.

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