Sticking the Boot In

It was one of those days - everything seemed to be against me including myself! Spent too much time faffing after getting back from the hen opening and the usual weeding on the allotment - missed my optician appointment! Had to rearrange for next week. I then tried the second hand clothes shop to see if they would take my clothes - they were selling their summer stock to make way for Autumn /winter clothes - at least I hadn't carried the heavy bag from my car! Third strike was the shoe repair shop didn't have the tools to put an eyelet in my new shoes - until they can be buckled more tightly I can't wear them! 
I decided to call into Whitestuff and see Gilesey who I knew would make me feel happier. As luck would have it she was there and she did put a smile on my face! So on up the hughstreet I went to find an eyelet tool and hopefully a black chopping board on which to take photos. Yeh - no luck. But they suggested another shop and yay! Not only did they have an eyelet tool, they also had sealing renew for my bathroom! My luck had turned! Off to Morrisons to celebrate with a cream cake or two and cat food! Finally to the recycling centre with my hard plastic and carrier bags. Guess what I found - a black chopping board - only a £1!!! I went home very happy!
This changed later in the evening when I could not find the rechargeable batteries I had bought to hopefully make a clock work. I looked everywhere, even in the bread bin and fridge! I gave up and started making dinner. On the way to and from the cooker I knocked the black board over where I had put it after cleaning - it cracked into two! I tried glueing it together - yeh, not happening. By this time my head was beginning to thump rather nastily and I was in a black mood. So had my dinner, tidied up and went to clean my teeth. Guess what I found in the bathroom drawer? The batteries! 
I think you will agree, most of the problems with the day I brought on myself!

The wellies were in the playground of a primary school I passed - good use of old wellies and rather like a match the pair game! 

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