
By rubyjones

Lucky bitch.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer about 5 weeks ago.
I managed not to freak out, but to be with it.
The surgeon cut the fucker out and also 3 nodes to see if it had spread.
And last week he told me the whole cancer had been removed
and that there were no cancer cells in my nodes.

Now for radiotherapy and drugs.
And, although I don’t know what else might happen, I am grateful that
the cancer was caught early and the prognosis is good.

I know this isn’t the case for everyone.
I heard about someone I work with over the weekend.
And oh my fucking christ, they are in for a hard journey.
So I am so thankful.

Dear women everywhere.
Never miss a mammogram.
I couldn’t feel the lump.
And nor could the nurse even tho we were looking at it on the monitor.
See how lucky I was?

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