Zak ....

arrived at 745 for his breakfast. Once that was done we prepared to go out to a park in Aston Clinton where we had a wander and even had time for a the time time we had finished here it was time for someone's lunch which comprised of Fish Fingers Chips & Baked Beans . He ate almost all of it but Grandad did have a taste of FF and a chip.

Bed time then for 2 whole hours of.....peace. Trudy popped around for a chat with C & once Z was awake she gave him a hug & left. Then we headed into the garden for a couple of hours. Lots of mayhem and laughter but we managed to survived until just after 5 when N came to pick him up ....

......and breathe.....

He was very good all day but kept us on our toes despite having a chesty cough which improved when we were outside.

A lovely bright day with some cloud & some rain later 

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