To work for the morning and then to the Undertakers, to get the invoice to take to the bank and for keith to see the coffin, (he did not see Dad to say goodbye in the hospital, but this is just a wooden box with his name on it).
To the banks and then to see Jeanie. When we got there she was in tears as she thought she had lost her bus money and couldn't get home, a memory from her school days.
I calmed her and we looked at some old photos I had found, of when she went to New York on business.
Keith and I ate out at The Warren Inn in Binfield so we were ready for the evening meeting with the vicar who has agreed to do the funeral. Roy knew my parents and his parents went to church and were friends with my parents so it felt right that he should do the service. None the less it was a bit of an evening, with Keith not wanting it to be too religious, but I feel that as Dad was a church goer until he no longer could, as did Jeanie, I need to organise the service that she would have organised if she were able. And to respect Dad and his beliefs. A lot to take on board.

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