In My World

By JoanneInOz

Does anyone give a fig?!

I had a bit of a change of pace today, staying indoors for the first time in over a week, trying to catch up on a few things around the house, (and still trying!!).

It turned out to be a pretty good day to spend indoors after all, as we had a bit of a storm during the afternoon, which only lasted about 5 minutes, but it was the most rain we've had in weeks!

At around lunchtime, my camera and I took a walk around the garden and as I could hear plenty of birds twittering happily in the trees, I took a look up.

There in the bare branches of the Pecan Nut Tree sat a number of the same variety of bird, sitting quietly enough for me to take a few really clear photos of them.

These birds were unknown to me, just as the Spangled Drongo I blipped yesterday was, 'til I looked him up and found out what he was!

So, after a little bit of Googling, I have discovered that today's latest backyard bird discovery is an Female Australasian Figbird.

Now my next question is, who is growing figs in my area?!!

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