What a birds nest!

Birds nest fungi - again.

Today we held a Teacher Only Day and I took all of our staff, along with a few 'guests' from other schools in South Canterbury, up to Christchurch to visit some schools up there.  It was a very worthwhile day in all but one respect.  And that was from the blipper angle.

Work wise: wonderful
Blip wise: a total loss

No opportunities to capture any images of anything other than classrooms or blurred scenery from a moving bus. 

When I got home I decided I would play with smoke images, but after fruitless hunting I remembered that I threw away all of my incense sticks when I moved because I decided they'd lost their smell.

So, I had to find something else.  Having done the water tension shots twice in the past week I thought I'd best come up with something else, so headed out into the garden with a torch to find some birds nest fungi.  It was too dark out there so I had to bring it inside to photograph.  

It was all buggy which wasn't very nice - the things I do for blip!  Still, at least this time it didn't involve neighbours or passers by seeing me with my arse in the air and my camera at ground level.

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