More sessions in the morning about how to construct bible studies and then we put it into practise which was really helpful. Lunch and then home... we literally missed our train by seconds which was a bit annoying but the lovely ticket man on the next train let us off.

We decided to walk back from the station and save a precious £1.80. It took about 50mins... but now I feel like I know the way slightly better.

We don't have internet at the house yet so we had to entertain ourselves by making cupcakes. It was only when we had decided to make then we realised that we didn't have scales so we had to use Rosie and I's good old measuring trick. It's quite simple, you find something that is the same weight as what you need (we found a can of sweetcorn) you close your eyes and weigh them in either hand and decide if it's heavy enough. It seemed to work. Slightly dense but still edible.

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