The Island ... One of Them

Today, we island-hopped to Kalanggaman Island, which I discovered to be part of the province of Leyte and not Cebu.  I had to look at the map of the Visayas to get my bearings again and our trip was thus northeast.  On the way, we came across a pod of dolphins ... a thrill!  I'd never seen wild dophins for real before, and we had done a trip to Pamilacan Island in the province of Bohol years ago where we were supposed to see them, but the sea was way too rough at the time.  Naturally, it went way too quickly for me to take shots, but perhaps on the way back?

The morning didn't start too well because they ran out of lime/lemon at our resort, and lime/lemon works for me the same way coffee or tea does for most folks.  As a result, I had to drink my first fizzy drink in some 20 years and I managed only half the bottle.

Kalanggaman Island actually means Bird Island.  I am forgetting to mention that I am again in an area where I don't speak the language.  In Iloilo, they speak Hiligaynon, one of our main languages, and I didn't understand anything, and now again here, they speak Cebuano, or simply Visayan.  I am familiar with a handful of words and expressions and rely a lot on tone of voice and context to grasp what's being said (Geert Hofstede's theories on high-context and low-context cultures comes to mind).  Anyway, 'langgam' in Visayan means 'bird', but 'langgam' in Tagalog means 'ant', so for this word, the Tagalog would look down while the Visayan would look up.  Perhaps one day, when I'm retired, I'll take some time to learn it.  Perhaps.

Spent most of the day on Kalanggaman and I enjoyed the water as much as I could.  Might be a surprise if I mention that I can only swim backwards, so I floated and tanned at the same time.  The water was warm and the beach was shallow.  Of course, hubby swam to the depths and took some underwater shots again.  Just as in Malapascua, the sea was as calm as could be and this resulted in some very successful shots.  We haven't yet run out of good weather.  We do hear that mainland Europe is patiently going through some heat waves while the British Isles are experiencing rainfall, while Dutch weather is a combination of all kinds and feeling a bit like autumn.  Hmmm ... what can we say about that?  *banana-wide grin*

Oh yes, almost forgot ... we did see the dolphins on the way back!  Two hazy shots, but I don't mind.  My time will come.  As for this shot, I took it while I was in the water with not too much risk for the camera.

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