A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


Hold the front page....we are having a proper holiday and tonight the whole town is coming out to celebrate with a parade and fireworks on the beach. There's a fair too for anyone so inclined.

Only blot (actually many blots) on the day was the enormous swarm of jellyfish at the beach meaning no sea action. Though there was much entertainment to be had watching the various reactions....young men attempting to clear the sea with their bare hands, those catching them with buckets, nets and in one case a shoe. And the woman ceremoniously dunking her baby in the waters.

So the main feature of the beach visit was a splendid fishy lunch.

Home for siestas/reading.

A massively energetic pool session with jumping and tick and water fights. All to the joyous backdrop of the houseband on the terrace (MrB on keys, Carlos on rhythm guitar).

Aperitifs on the terrace, Scrabble for MrB, Carlos and Jackson. As yet unfinished but the assumption is MrB will give them a solid drubbing and they will build great characters and learn a lot.

And now into town for the parade, dinner at Meson in the Plaza de la Constiutucion and those celebratory fireworks.

Salud indeed!

Lesley x

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