
Back in the UK groove and acclimatising with colleagues. Mixture of horror and extreme jealousy at the South Sudan field time during the last trip.

Leisurely cycle to work thwarted when I snapped my bike key in the lock when I popped to the shop to buy grapes. At 10pm I returned to the scene to extricate the key using some pliers, which worked, remarkably. Surprised not to be apprehended as a bike thief by the nearby security guard, although he was rather lax in criminal matters. When I went back into the shop to buy avocados and crispbread I saw someone stealing something, and the security guard was suspicious enough to stop him. Despite the clearly bulging backpack the guard believed he'd put the stuff back on the shelf, and didn't search him.

Went shopping with a new father friend for teats at lunchtime. Turns out I have a knack for spotting the right type.

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