I can never resist temptation!

Don't worry, not to jump off the bridge, next to the bridge is a bacon butty van and I couldn't resist the smell, I just had to have one and I bought one for my boss as well, I was meeting him for an assessment of my work this morning, I'm sure he didn't see it as a bribe.

I did wonder what might be construed as 'reasonable excuse'?

I also nipped to the toilets, they have been smartened up since I was last here, I popped my 20p in the slot and it was rejected but I noticed that the door was open so in I went. No sooner had the door shut than there was a loud click and the lights went out! Oh Oh!

I pressed the button to open the door and an electronic voice said:

"This door will open again in 15 minutes"

WHAT!!!!???!!! - but then it went on to say:

"or you can open it at any time by pressing the door release"

PHEW!! - much relief!!

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