A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Parting Shot

Outrageously dragging out the Spanish sojourn to one more day on blip with a quick glimpse of the pool before we left.

Really of course the day has been packing and travelling. And arriving back in beautiful sunny London. All went very smooth with not a queue in sight anywhere. So either I am very lucky or once more the Daily Fail was whipping up a scaremongering frenzy. I know where my money is.

In a fit of efficiency I had arranged an online supermarket shop to greet us but as we were so super on time we arrived with an hour to spare. So we took advantage of the lovely sunny evening to walk to our local deli for a welcome home drink.

It's been lovely and really good for us all. And it's lovely to be here too.

Tomorrow....Albi Returns!!

Lesley x

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