
By beeeze


It's been a horrible day weather-wise for lots of people, here included. So little to no chance of taking the camera outside.

Initially I tried more of the balloon stuff from the other day but I picked a soft pink one which in macro looked disconcertingly like either a gynecological illustration or a prophylactic sculpture. The balloon was supposed to be a visual joke so that I could say how close I came to exploding with stress today.

So instead I've blipped my new collection of Sharpies. In a few weeks time I will be catering for 15 low-carb nazis in a beautiful country house in Northumberland. This clearly requires lots of lovely lists, and lists of lists, all of which need to be colour co-ordinated with new pretty pens. And a spankingly new notebook. Normally I have to wait until Christmas to indulge my extreme list gene.

Hi. My name is Bee and I am addicted to stationery.

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