Farm Track Revisited

I had an exhausting day in Christchurch and had to drive home across the Plains with the low sun in my face. With the sun in my eyes I couldn’t see where I usually stop to take a photo of the farm track so here it is from a slightly different perspective. The blossom tree, rather than the mountains, caught my attention.

One good thing that came out of the day was that I bought shoes that fit my feet! I can’t remember when this happened last, more than twenty-five years ago at least. Every now and then I go round various shops, especially those that advertise shoes for problem feet, but nobody has catered for my short, wide feet. But today I came across an expert who examined my feet, did some tests, and produced a pair of shoes that were just right. They are grey and flouro pink, not colours I would have chosen, but who cares?

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