Now is all you have

By AgnesSkula


I'm travelling in west Iceland with the Photography Club ÁLFkonur and we've been out all day photographing in wonderful weather. The theme of today is "home" so I'm thinking home because that's where the heart is isn't it?

September I'm going to use a a challenge list from Fat Mum Slim (from August). Today's project is "home"

1. Outside
2. One
3. Coin
4. Somewhere you sat
5. Logo
6. Writing
7. 8 o'clock
8. Glasses
9. Messy
10. Ring
11. Purple
12. Spoon
13. Simple
14. Arrow
15. Ready
16. Food
17. Faces
18. Inside
19. Hole
20. Today
21. Cool
22. Home

23. Pair
24. Path
25. Fresh
26. Dream
27. Tap
28. Clock
29. Down
30. Card

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