Man, Mountain or Fish

By StevieFish

funny... alien an act - once seen as almost defining oneself - now seems. I'm talking of course about the act that this young woman is partaking of.


I was a smoker, for almost all of my adult life. Starting when I should have known better, and only stopping last year after numerous attempts to do so. This time it feels as if it is for good. The difference this time? The love and support of a good woman (if you read this, thanks SJ) who also stopped at the same time. I used patches, something I always thought of as pointless until I used them. They allow you to break the habits associated with smoking whilst not feeling the addicts craving for their fix. three months of patches and now almost a whole year without a ciggie whilst still putting myself in the sort of situations where I would normally smoke a shedload.

Funny how things change.

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