I've been camping! (no I'm not, thanks for asking)

Glasgow Pride.

What sights I have seen. Where to begin?

1. Nicola Sturgeon opens Pride.
2. Outrageous comedy drag Queen * (wait - did I get those the right way around? Hey ho, who could tell?)
3. Who'd kiss a Tory?
4. Free hugs. They were, no charge whatsoever.
5. ...erm
6. Strangely alluring
7. Suits you sirs
8. The Glitter Twins
9. Best tuck job I have ever seen. (Not that I have ...many...I mean...*ahem*!)


What a superb day out! I had forgotten how utterly gorgeous young people can be. They just can't help it.

* The drag queen comedienne was good....

She complained of stress bladder incontinence, she sneezed and was standing in a puddle... she phoned a friend to tell her of her plight -
"Where are you ringing from?" her friend asked.
"I'm wringing from the waist doon!" she replied. I laughed. 

Did I enjoy it? I did. Grand it was. Makes me wish I was young again.

What did amuse....my van was surrounded on three sides by tents. I was having a coffee in the cab when a lady backed into the enclosed space and dropped her kecks and proceeded to piss like a drey horse. I gently tapped on the window and gave her a cheery wave. She nearly shat herself in surprise, Does that make me a bad person? Not that I give a monkey's.

Anyway, new respect from me to the lgbtqi community.

"I" you ask? No idea-  Inter sex? Into sex?

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