It's Big Out There

I was amazed to find that Beckett hadn't been to Sublime Point before. This farthest/highest vantage point offers a 270 degree panoramic view of the Jamison. I wanted to call this "Loneliness of the Long Distance Photographer" buuuut then I thought the title might be too long. The light and general weather conditions were nothing short of delicious, today.

In the extras we see Rainie in action (with Doug in attendance), one of Trisharooni's dog, Billy and a second helping of Sublime Point from a fraction further back. During afternoon tea at Trish's place, Billy was darting about so furiously and having such a wonderful time with Jenny's (Jensphotos') delightful hounds that I feel proud to have grabbed an almost sharp rendition of him. He was in position for only about two seconds before evaporating from view.

Doug and Rainie seemed to have another nice day. They are headed to north Queensland first thing tomorrow for a visit with family. Godspeed to them. 

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