Over my shoulder

By Misschief


with Mango, Papaya and Passionfruit yoghurt - not only delicious but my only pic of the day.

Wonder of wonders for a Monday managed to get out of the house by 7.15 and to work an hour and a half earlier than normal. Sadly this wasn't enough to help me catch up, but if I aim to do it every day this week then who knows?

Finally ordered two bikes and accessories, but not without spending 3 - 4 hours on the internet getting Generic Error after Generic Error, followed by 3/4 of an hour on the phone, only for me to discover if I removed the service plan from my basket the Generic Error disappeared. At least it's done and I should be able to collect on Wednesday.

Still have work to start (the last of my spare time work) so it will probably be an all-nighter for me. Will be so happy when it's done and out of the way, I have procrastinated enough - for years in some cases and it's costing me money now.

Long weekend in Cornwall sorted too - going 2 weeks thi s Thursday and cannot wait.

On the smoking front, I succumbed on Saturday evening to a pack of 10 and, despite not drinking that night, woke with the worst headache. I can only put it down to the fags and have been back on rollies ever since.

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