Red Flash

By RedFlash

Welcome to the Barbican

If you have been reading my blips for a while, you will know that I work near the Barbican Centre in London.

When the weather is damp the route that keeps me dry the longest takes me through the Barbican and out through the entrance on the right.

Until recently they had a display of James Bond posters up along here. I photographed them but didn't think that they were worth sharing.

As the weather was so dreary this morning I thought that this would cheer everyone up.

Go large to see out of the door

It's Mr F's and my 29th wedding anniversary today. I have no idea where that time went. Had a really nice Indian take away for tea and some bubbly - not sure that that really went with curry

The things that made me smile:
Seeing a video of Bryher and Milo racing around together - see yesterday if you don't understand
The guide dog on the train looked really pleased to see me and gave me his paw
Saw a commuting chum who has just become a dad
The sun was shining when I left work

Exercise: Nothing - nada - thought about trying to hula hoop with two at once - must try that sometime

PS Milo is still not 100% and is sleeping alot so we are monitoring him
PPS I am not keeping up with everyone's comments and blips and I probably never will - sorry
PPPS My real name starts with W and for those of you who don't know it, you will never guess it

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