My Aim is True


If I hadn't seen such riches....

Well, forget crapple and their map errors. This is far more serious. If we didn't have such riches we could could live with being poor...If we're going to have instant music recognition systems, it's going to have to be accurate, or else where will be? Yup, hell. That's where. Having got there in a handcart.

For the third day in a row, I met a muppet. I don't like to immediately categorise people...... but wearing a rugby shirt and speaking in a posh accent.....well...he fitted right into the pigeon hole as soon as he started spouting hot air...

I know it's a bit early for Santa, but this is very funny.

I don't want to find out just how old "Sit Down" is. I think the answer may depress me....... I still think I'm quite modern and trendy because I like it....

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