
By memento

Luke Skywalker

Big I-beam floor joist day next door. I have a perfect view from my upstairs bathroom window. That's how I knew they didn't tarp properly the Friday before the rain came. If they were our builders, they would have been fired, says Mr. M.

Here Luke Skywalker is strolling back and forth between the joists checking to see that they're all straight and level. Actually I have no idea what he's doing, he looks more like a Luke Sleepwalker.

Bangbangbang-thudthudthud, 9:00am-5:00pm. But progress! That's good.

Political chatter -do NOT read if you are sick of American politics, uninterested in American politics or couldn't give a rat's ass about American politics in general.

A television journalist was interviewing Mr. Romney today and noted that presidents usually are remembered for their big ideas, such as social security, civil rights, and a man on the moon. He wondered what Mr. Romney's big idea would be should he be some day remembered as president. Without skipping a beat, Mr. Romney said: freedom; he would want to be remembered for freedom. Hahahahaaaa. Sorry Mr. Romney, that one is taken. By Abraham Lincoln. Abolishing slavery and all that? Help me Rhonda.

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