Breaking point

Up late!  Em who is staying with us - such a pleasure! - was up even later!  Finally off to IKEA for lunch before going to the World of glass.  We watched Nikki Steel doing two demonstrations!!  

Water is a very important part of the process.  Firstly to refresh the worker.  In the old days of course it was beer they drank!  It helped negate the effect of the sulphur fumes on the stomach !  Secondly water is used to lower the temperature of glass when a break is required.  Oh and to put out the flames when demonstrating how hot a 'cold' piece of glass is with a piece of paper!

We were fascinated by the process of adding colour to the glass, shaping it, thumbing the first bit of air and blowing the shape etc.  Here Nikki is shaping the neck of the vase using a tool called a jack.

Many thanks to TheAphid for hosting Mono Monday - water.

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