Instead of using our usual friendly, reliable, local garage, B decided to save money by arranging for our tyres to be replaced by ordering them online and having them fitted at a garage of the supplier's choosing. This meant travelling 15 miles to the next town in the misty rush-hour to get there for 8.30. While we waited we went along the road to a local caff for breakfast and discovered a spotless and bargain-priced gem. The two women running it in their pink pinnies were far more efficient and focused on providing what their customers wanted than the garage with its dozen or so keen young corporately dressed and trained staff. When we got back, and after a further wait, they apologised for not reading the order properly and failing to do the wheel alignment that we had requested, and then had to apologise again for not reading the order properly again and fitting the wrong tyres, which meant they had to do it all over again. They definitely need a bit of training from the ladies of the Yum Yum Café.

(Oh, and the ambulance was there because the paramedic was in the café buying his breakfast. Wise choice, sir.)

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