
the eighth month
wanes with dry
sun soaked days
of dreamy dozing
flowering herbs
waving luster losing
leaves that long to drip
root quenching rain.

Here is a drone video of our old house( from an old album) and surrounding land and water in Machiasport, Maine, taken by David, my niece's husband. Our shared summer house, my maternal great grandparents' place is the one with the turquoise lounge on the deck. Long ago there were three houses there and a huge barn at our place. My grandfather, Gordon, oldest of 5 grew up there with his siblings before working for the Light House Service and going to sea in masted vessels.

For the Record
This day came in with clouds and sun. Hot and humid air rules these dry days. My least favorite weather.

All hands horrified as usual with 45 and terrified about the violence that could erupt after his Arizona rally tonight.

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