But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave


I’ve been teaching Jnr how to use Photoshop, he’s picked up ACR quite quickly but getting the hang of adjustment layers and masks is a bit of a challenge; however, he is young and has plenty of time to learn. He’s also developed a desire to dabble in astrophotography and keeps asking my advice; it’s strange really, as he knows far more than myself about it. I’ve tried a little research but much of the advice available doesn’t fit in with my understanding of the physics. The big problem at the moment is the inability to arrive at a suitable location with suitable weather conditions.
As chance would have it, I should have been leading a cycle run to Whiteadder reservoir by way of Redstane Rig, both of which seem reasonable places as far as light pollution is concerned though I am not sure that the scenery is suitable; the principle seems to be that you use the stars as a backdrop to a landscape. However, I don’t have sufficient confidence that my back is up to such an arduous ride just yet. Instead, I wandered over to the site of the village bing, brick works and coal mine, armed with the fish-eye to commemorate Wide Angle Wednesday; it was only when I had selected my “least worst” picture that I realised that it fitted in with one of the possible themes – something beginning with “T,” so here you have - a fungus.

Thanks are due to BobsBlips for hosting the challenge.

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