Going Home

There was a little to-ing and fro-ing in the messages from the hospital to Jan yesterday.
"Might be going home" ... "staying another night" ... "Going home as soon as that wrist dressing is off!"
That last message came in the evening, just after I had arrived with food parcels and clean clothes. Jan was so happy! She quickly changed into her normal clothes and sent out the good news. She called the hospital time her "study visit" but I think you can see in the picture how happy she is to be going home!
One of my reflections on our experiences is how wonderful it is that technology has enabled so much development in the last 20 years. Previously invasive procedures are replaced by key-hole surgery and instead of opening up someone to see what is going on a small hole in the wrist plus improved x-ray and screen technology make it a simple, and therefore practical procedure to check out the state of important blood vessels.
Now we have to get back to those daily walks...
(More details from the lady herself....)

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