Lexi is Two

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 An exciting day for the little Princess - breakfast then parcels from Mum & Dad and Nana and Grandad Doug.  She loved opening them, but took for ever, just ripping off bits of paper, until her parents set too and helped. Spoilt munchkin!
Leaving Doug at home in bed we then took ourselves out to the Billabong Sanctuary where she had such fun, seeing the animals - koala's were wide awake (now that's a change), snakes were awake (mostly) too.....crocodiles and alligators in varying state of snooziness, lots of turtles, ducks & geese which she fed ......all in all a lovely outing.
Home to bed for her, running a temperature, me to bed too. .....all struggling.  Any rate, I managed to get up again for the evening party where her Grandad Bob, Uncle Steve and cousins arrived.  Photo is of her with her Mum and cousins.
At the end of the evening she said to her Mum & Dad (no prompting) "thank you for my birthday".....what a sweetheart

I was in bed at 7 pm without putting my blip in, feeling revolting.
She really is a blip star, with the previous two blips up on page one of popular !


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