I made this chowder for tea. Full of salmon, haddock, smoked haddock, prawns and potatoes in a lovely fishy soup. I'm not much cop at home cooking but this was easy to make and it was ideal for Neil to eat today. He injured his mouth playing rugby on Saturday so he has been eating soft food since then. The inside of his mouth could really have done with stitching but he didn't bother with going to hospital. Typical of him.

I was at the doctors this morning. Luckily the doctor was there and they were expecting me. Had a half hour wait though as the place was in a bit of a panic due to staff getting in late because of the weather. Lots of flooding in the region and closed roads, transport delays etc. Its been another day of heavy rain so I guess things will not get better anytime soon.

Lots of things to discuss with the doctor. Got more tablets for heartburn/indigestion as a temporary measure but she is arranging for me to have a " camera down the throat " to find out exactly what's wrong.

As far as my hip X Ray is concerned it showed degeneration of my pelvis and hip joints - basically wear and tear/arthritis. She thinks I may benefit from physio so I need to phone up about that.

I need to have my BP checked so I have an appointment to see the Nurse on Friday. I think I may be getting another leg ulcer ( I HOPE NOT ) so I have to let the Nurse look at that as well.

On Thursday I have an appointment at the hospital for an internal scan to see if the abdominal pain I'm getting is caused by my IBS - or something else. The appointment is at 6.15pm - never been to an outpatients appointment that late in the day. Will be a bit weird.

So much medical stuff going on my head is spinning.

Four years ago today I was in Las Vegas seeing my daughter get married. Happy Wedding Anniversary to Becky and Mike.

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