
The PML is proving to be a handy little chum. My descent into the world of idle snap shooting is almost complete. Once again the little 4/3 Lumix compact has impressed me with its ability to respond to every whim. I had just washed the vehicle and was about to chamois it off. But it did glisten so fetchingly in the sun so I whipped out the camera from its ever-present belt pouch and exposed a few quick frames..

In my mania to maximize my time on Blipfoto I have (over the years) tried all sorts of patented rituals to "follow" my best mates on the system. Don't ask. Let's just say it had evolved  into a kind of off-site catalogued link system and had grown far too unwieldy for its own good. So much so that I am giving it all up completely ... the off site following system, that is. Many of you will shortly find that I am re-engaging the conventional on-site "follow" system. Don't be surprised. Many thanks for putting up with my tiresome antics.

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