Ritual and variety

The forecast sun didn't show, in it's place was drizzle. I took Mrs Billy out for a quick hack, letting her choose the pace (speedy). Turning her out to the field she followed her usual ritual of rolling in the mud. 

With Billy I wanted to do something different but wasn't sure what. I ended up lunging him and then long reining him (imagine a horse pulling a cart....I'm the cart, on foot). He seems to work really well with this and it reinforces the voice commands. Finally I rode him bareback for a short time and can definitely feel him more balanced. 

Tonight, EJ returns home. I know the horses will be delighted to see her back. But most needy of Mum is definitely Orla the pig...who has been unbearably grumpy the last few days.

Home for a drizzly walk with Gorgeous and the dogs before scooting on to town for a quick shift. 

Home and fed now and looking forward to a big adventure tomorrow.

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