Carol's ramblings

By Lucari


In this case the bench that was positioned just inside the entrance to the hospital where AJ is currently.

Annual leave day today.

Left home at 10am, collected my sister and journeyed down to the south coast (along with many more on a bank holiday weekend!), to attend the fracture clinic with AJ. Appointment was at 2pm and transport from the hospital had been arranged to the clinic. We arrived a bit early (ate lunch in the waiting room), AJ arrived just before 2pm. X-ray and then consultation then on to the plaster room to fit a shoulder brace. By 15:15 appointment finished. AJ wanted us to take her back to the Ward but as transport had been booked it was not possible! AJ happy to wait and we agreed to meet her back on the Ward. She didn't arrive back at the Ward until just after 6pm. Finally back home at 8pm.

Long day :)


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