Dolly and Babe on the ferris wheel

I met my sister Catriona(Babe) in Edinburgh today! We had ride on the big Ferris wheel, the views were great, so long as we weren't making ourselves feel ill by spinning around! We had a good walk around taking in the sights of the fringe, lots to see, and very busy everywhere! Babe had arranged to go and get a tattoo, I hadn't known she was getting it until today, but I went along to watch! It was really interesting to see being done and I got to ask lots of questions, and it looks great too! We got some dinner afterwards before we all headed home, it was a good day!

Babe is Catriona's nickname, she's had since she was a baby and we all called her baby for a while because 'cat-ri-o-na' was too difficult for my sister to say! It eventually got shortened to Babe and it's stuck to this day!

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