Low altitude Alpacas

Bakewell wildlife is always a surprise, whilst we have seen a downturn in kingfisher action this year the alpaca population appears to go from strength to strength.
This morning on a walk around the outskirts of town I had what I thought was not possible, a close up and personal encounter with the herd of alpacas we have just below the monsal trail towards the golf course, there's a public lane that leads you through the field they live in.
They're really curious and friendly but venture to close they can be prone to spitting at you.
I like the way on the right there is a bit of Dr Doolittle, Push me Pull you action going on.
On a slightly different vent, I have a friend who is an animal trainer (he trained the animals with his dad on Dr. Doolittle) and he had a llama, it was really tame, very friendly and loved to go into the house and watch TV.
It was great to watch him as the living room wasn't the biggest and he'd just kneel down in front of the sofa and become engrossed with whatever was on the tv screen!!
A wonderful, bizaare and memorable sight.
Kevin the animal trainer was the person who found the pigs that escaped and which became know as the Tamworth 2.
He spent over a week away from his home tracking them down and becoming very ill with pneumonia in the process.
They made a tv film about the event a while back but Kevin was portrayed as a weirdo, which was artistic license gone mad.
I digress, a little.

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