
Ok Ok I kno about the spelling thingie but here in NZ it is currently hard to get away from these.
We have an election coming up and it’s sorta like you get a range of choices for your Birthday present but before the Birthday the whole country gets to guess what you would like and the media has headlines about it almost every day so your mum (or who ever is the giver)  has to keep changing her ideas to make sure you will be happy but by the time your Birthday actually arrives and the media has told you what they think you would like most you are getting sick of the whole thing and decide not to get another year older….

Anyway I, as a small stuffed dog, want plastic bags banned. Not charged for and all that other stuff just BANNED. simple…easy…clean. Gets it over with without all that commercial drama and none of my fishy friends are going to get killed or injured and if you simply don’t understand how this could ever work, ask California. They did and it sure does…And if you turn up at the supermarket without a bag you get offered a paper one (great quality) for 10 cents which you can keep and bring back next time or just buy another paper one for 10 cents.

However none of the “parties” are talking about that.

Tinypawscript…Why are political parties called “parties” I always thought that you were supposed to have fun at a party.

Small Stuffed Dogs have a lot to learn.


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