Kegs Kwikpics.

By Kegrow


After Gitama's couple of recent blips, I had to try a variation of her iPad/water/flower or feather trick. Thanks Gitama for the head's up with this technique.
I substituted the iPad for a small sheet of armoured glass that in a previous existence was one of the windows from an old wrecked car, that was sitting in a friends back yard, many years ago. I use it these days as a small palette for painting. I sat it on a piece of dark blue material from my wife's sewing cupboard. Set the camera on a tripod. Cut a piece of Rosemary from some that we have growing in a pot. Set up the composition, sprayed water. Didn't take the shot.
The water I sprayed was tending to pool and not set up as droplets. I tried using a demister - to fine, then a normal household spray, no good. I then rubbed on a fine layer of candle wax which I figured should do the job. Perfect.
Who would have thought that there was an art to spraying water! Blimey.
Lights off in the studio - I had two torches, one that threw out a very cold white light, and the other which older model that shone with a warm light. Its amazing the difference between the two in the photographs. The former I used as the blip and the latter I have put up in my blip folio for your perusal if you so desire.
Unfortunately I ran out of time to properly finesse the images in-camera. I am unhappy with the sharpening in both images. I probably need to use subject matter that is less "messy" and more simple. It was a long exposure, and I had the f-stop at f22 for extended depth of field. Probably should have used f-11 which is near optimal for the lens I believe. Less DoF but should be more picture quality. I used a remote device for the shutter release also. In the picture above and in large, its the small flowers that are bothersome for me. It could be that I need new glasses also.
Still it was a very interesting and fun technical exploration. I'll do a few more with differing subject matter soon and see if I can perfect this technique.

Bigger version here.

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