Which way?

At 63, I have travelled down many paths involving working in 40 countries, many of which have faced very difficult journeys. Some of those paths have been desolate, some have been scenic,  some have been cul-de-sacs, some I have travelled alone, others with friends or strangers, many with family. Some I chose, some appeared to choose me! In all, I learned that the journey was as important as the final destination. I was often challenged to take time to stop, to take in the scenery, to share my experienes along the way. Early Christians were referred to as people of "The Way", for me at least emphasising the fact that to journey, with others, is part of life. Whether that life involves faith of any type, formal or informal, is of course a matter of personal choice. For me, it does. This picture draws you in allowing you to ask "what if" I followed that path. Where would I go? What new things would I experience? The path in the picture includes light and shade, companions in any journey. Will the light draw you or will the shadows stop you?

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