Da Key Handover

Another windy day, but today had been sunshine all day.  Warm when out of the wind.

I was meant to be in the museum office today, but staff shortage and had to be on the desk all day.  There was an event on to work with, but been a fairly quiet day.  This evening I've had big Brian and Madeline around, also mam and Elise too.  Off to work in the pub later. 

Today has been the big day, the key handover.  I'm super excited, and can't wait to get started on the inside now.  When Alan bought the house years ago, he swapped keys at the legion, so same was done today.  L-R - Me (Steven Christie), peerie Brian (Smith) and sellers Olya and Alan Inkster.  The key handover on the Scalloway Legion. 

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