Just the Withers......

By JaneW

A little bit of the white cliffs ...

Tits McGee and I have hired a rather large static caravan in St Margaret's at cliffe in Kent ... the beach is a BITCH to get down to .. beach itself is ok 7/10 for clean water and average toilets ... but it's not nice enough for me to drive down there and back up again as quite frankly it's on the hill of DEATH .. yes .. death .... it's almost single road and a 16 degree gradient and I AM NOT KEEN ... there is a lot of reversing and swearing and you can shove it right up your bum.

Apart from that it's been lovely ... very hot and also a great journey down .. we did stop in Maidstone and use Clarkenwolds house as a service station and she fed us !! Bonus .

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