
By TracyB71


All it's done is rain today. Did I say that summer had finally arrived the other day.... I got that wrong !!!
I went out today to see my friend who lives near Clacton. What a lovely 90 minute drive there and back in the rain that was. The visit itself was long overdue due to reasons out of my control so it was great catching up and having snuggles with her new baby. Glad to give it back though. She sure had some lungs on her :) 
Came home to a messy house, I was pretty sure i tidied before i left but hey ho the messy fairies must have popped in cos the kids denied all knowledge..... 
Still couldn't get out after dinner so took the brolly into the garden and caught a drip (so wanted to write a comment about the ex boyfriend there but i won't )   :)
Lets hope tomorrow is a tad brighter or drier. Shouldn't moan about a little rain really, not with all that America is going through  :(

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