
By TBay

Out for a drive!

Here is Little Miss out for a drive in her Range Rover!! I should point out that Grandpa is in control as her driving skills are not too well honed yet! However she enjoyed a drive around the establishment while Mummy had a little rest. Only 12 days to go to her due date now so she is beginning to feel pretty tired and a bit uncomfortable.

Mr Tbay still has his Bug and is feeling totally washed out and pretty cross that it won't just go away! He does not do being ill!

Farming - Two out on compost. Joshy then on evening duties attempting to wage war on the bunny population and I have a feeling we are a few less this evening!

I am still doing bit for the shows this weekend. I have been staring at fruit and trying to match them for size, colour and perfection . Am now going boggle eyed!!

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