different pathways

I was walking in our local Botanical gardens, passing the historic landmark buildings (see extra picture) when I noticed this scene. Two small children playing under the safe and watchful eye of the parents (just out of shot) while a homeless man took time to close his eyes in the warm sunlight. I know him, vaguely, as he is a fixed part of Belfast's  rich tapestry, often seen riding his bike with two carrier bags on the front of his chosen transport. I have spoken to him on a few occasions, once when he was reading a copy of Marx's Das Capital. He seems at ease with his life, not wanting "to be fixed". I guess the shot shows that we can't judge people or events by what we see alone. Our eyes are our window to the world and like all windows they need to be cleaned now and again if we are to have clarity. All to often prejudice begins by what we see and how our own world view then goes on to influence what we do or say, without any filters. Remember opinions, no matter how strongly held or believed, remain just that. Opinions.

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