Euan Me and Rhona too!

By noifa

Great Gran and Rhona

A picture today of Rhona with her great gran. Great Granda doesn't get much time to chat to Rhona as Euan demands all his attention!

The boiler pump got replaced today and we were informed our boiler is on the "reduced parts list" so we now have an appointment to get a quote for a new one. A stroll to the post box to post a belated birthday card (sorry Auntie Diane!) then to the Greats for a bath and a scone that I baked before our walk. The food processor is away to make space for the steriliser so they were made by hand with an out of date egg, but they tasted delicious. Martin even whipped up some left over cream for on his! Home for steak, caramelised onions and brocoli for tea. Yummy.

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